S.ONE Gallery Seoul, korea.

Building B1F, 1667-6 GL, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul .

GL Building S.ONE project

2023 FAC Award-winning works Exhbition.
S.ONE project (Gallery)

  In 2023, the S.ONE project gallery has officially opened and is receiving a great deal of attention from many individuals. This gallery serves as a space where one can encounter the works of various artists, allowing visitors to experience diverse artistic genres and techniques through their creations. .

S.ONE project (Gallery).

Seoul, Korea.

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

Seocho-dong 1667-6

GL Building B1F

GL Building S.ONE project

21 April 2023 - 27 April, 2023

S.ONE project (Gallery) exhibits artworks of various genres such as painting, sculpture, photography, and installation art, allowing visitors to experience the diversity and beauty of art. Furthermore, this gallery can be utilized not only for art appreciation but also for activities such as photography or video shooting studios.

2023 FAC Award-winning works exhibition.

20 APR, 2023

27 APR, 2023

S.ONE project (Gallery)

  The exhibition of the award-winning works from the 2nd Annual 2023 FAC Youth Fine Art Competition was held at the gallery.

  Competition was held at the gallery. This art competition is part of a larger international project aimed at discovering and promoting more young artists on the global stage, as well as contributing to their participation in various artistic activities by garnering international attention.

Theme : Open theme

  While hosting the exhibition of this competition, the S.ONE project gallery strives to continuously discover and exhibit the works of creative and innovative artists, making efforts to contribute to the development of art and cultural advancement both domestically and internationally. 

 The gallery aims to provide new inspiration and experiences to all those who appreciate art and further endeavors to foster new communication and value creation through art and culture..

5F #518


S.ONE project (Gallery) strives for sustainable development based on culture and art.

  A portion of the proceeds from artwork sales is donated to UNICEF, reflecting our concern for environmental protection and sustainability. We provide various services that allow you to harmonize nature and humanity, art and culture, offering a diverse range of experiences to individuals. 

2023 FAC
Award-winning works
S.ONE project (Gallery)

 In 2023, the S.ONE project gallery has officially opened and is receiving great interest from many people. This gallery is a space where you can encounter works by various artists, allowing you to experience various artistic genres and techniques through their creations.

An exhibition of
award-winning works
at S.ONE project Gallery

Organizer : MySLide Corporation.

21 April 2023 -

27 April, 2023

The S.ONE project gallery showcases works of various genres, including painting, sculpture, photography, and installation art.
Through these artworks, visitors can experience the diversity and beauty of art.
Additionally the gallery can also be utilized as a space for photography and video shooting studios, offering more than just the enjoyment of art appreciation.

2023 FAC
Award-winning works

The exhibition of the award-winning works from the 2nd Annual 2023 FAC Youth Fine Art Competition was held at the gallery. . 

This art competition is part of a larger international project aimed at discovering and promoting young artists on the global stage, as well as contributing to their participation in various artistic activities by garnering international.

Theme :

Open theme

During the exhibition of this competition, the S.ONE project gallery strives to continuously discover and exhibit the works of creative and original artists, contributing to the development of art and culture both domestically and internationally. .

The gallery aims to provide new inspiration and experiences to all art enthusiasts, and further, it endeavors to foster new communication and value creation through art and culture.


 S.ONE project (Gallery) strives for sustainable development based on culture and art..
  A portion of the proceeds from artwork sales is donated to UNICEF, reflecting our concern for environmental protection and sustainability. We provide various services that allow you to harmonize nature and humanity, art and culture, while emphasizing our commitment to environmental consciousness and sustainability.

An exhibition of
award-winning works
at S.ONE project

Organizer : MySLide Corporation.

If you enjoyed this page, meet the creative works of young artists who will lead our future.

Go to FAC Award-winning works

Curious about the competition where the exhibition was held? 
You can find detailed information about the competition related to the award-winning exhibition held at Cosmos Gallery on the page below.

FAC Teenage Painting Contest

MySLide Corp.


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