About the Event
Awarded Works' Exhibition in Love2Arts Gallery, Belgium
Sorodha International Art Competition
(2022.06.24 ~ 2022.06.28)
All the winning works have been exhibited at the ‘Love 2 Arts Gallery’ in Belgium, run by the Sorodha: Antwerpen culture Institution and open to many visitors during the period.
Offline Exhibition of Award-Winning Works
This gallery is S.ONE project (Gallery), located near Seoul National University of Education in South Korea, which recently opened
Exhibition Space
The exhibition of award-winning works was successfully held from April 20th, 2023 (Thursday) to April 27th, 2023 (Thursday)
Exhibition Space
In this competition, there was no specific theme, allowing participants to submit free-form artworks. As a result, visitors had the opportunity to encounter a diverse range of ideas and unique techniques showcased in the artworks